Planning for Long-Term Care in Pennsylvania

November 29, 2022

Everyone hopes to be able to care for themselves well past their retirement; however, the need for long-term care is unpredictable. Based on the most recent estimates from the federal government, if you turn 65 today, there is an almost 70 percent chance you...

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The Medicaid ineligibility trap

January 29, 2016

Because of the potentially financially devastating costs of long term care, Medicaid is often the safety net to protect spouses and other family members from impoverishment. For those of you who transfer assets, there is a period during which you are ineligible for Medicaid....

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The costs associated with long-term care

January 21, 2016

The cost of long-term care is dependent on the kind of care you require and the length of time that you need such care. It can also be affected by your provider and the area in which you live. The cost can be influenced...

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Guardianship laws in Pennsylvania

January 7, 2016

Upon attaining the age of 18, a person has the right to make decisions on his or her own behalf without regard to any limitations or disabilities unless he or she has been adjudicated to be incapacitated by a court. This determination is made...

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Learn the Truth About Health Care Reform

April 22, 2010

On Sunday, March 21, 2010 in an historic vote, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, clearing it for signature by President Obama. This comprehensive health care reform bill previously was passed by the Senate on...

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